Accusing the Rich in America

Monday, March 16, 2009

If you didn’t hear about the bonuses received by AIG executives today then you must have been asleep. AIG who received billions in TARP money issued bonuses to executives (stated the second time for emphasis). I’m tired of the lavish living of the rich in this country. It simply isn’t fair.

I do not understand why we stand for it? It is detestable that the rich in the US have such a feeling of entitlement that they mismanage government assistance, they misuse the tax payer's money. It is a mockery to the people who struggle every day. I’m talking about the people that live in absolute misery. They work themselves to the bone to better their lot in life and to no avail. These people are doomed because of their situation. Doomed because of the station in life they were born into.

Those of you who agree, I ask you to join me in redressing this wrong. We need to come together and take a stand for the underprivileged. It is time we get back this wealth that has been horded. We must do so by force if needed.

What social status are you in? Upper, middle, lower, or poor class in America? Did you think I was referring to the US CEOs or people making more than 250k? No, I was referring to those on welfare and those who receive government assistance. Most of the world's wealth is located in the US. Even our poorest of poor are richer than rich in comparison to the average wealth of any citizen on this planet.

Yet the rich poor in this country are envious. They are livid about their station in life. They argue that they are victims of a society bent at holding them down. They point to poor living conditions, yet even our poorest has the ability to get some health care. Our poorest have not had to live in a war torn nation like the People’s Republic of Congo. Even our poorest have easy access to food. Our poorest are rich.

When one in the US complains about the rich, they condemn themselves to the indignation of billions of others in this world who are worse off. I am not beyond compassion. I believe there is much that can and should be done for the less fortunate in this country, but the anger is hypocritical. They are angry that the wealth is concentrated at the top, that they are held down and should get their fair share. Are these same people willing to give their fair share to the more needful in the world if the same argument was brought to them? I submit that they would condemn the idea, they would turn their back on the more needful in the world. Is the envy of the poor more righteous then the greed of the rich?

Surprisingly, the rich are generous in their donations. They donate to the community and they donate lavishly to world causes. It’s not hard to find, their names are on buildings of hospitals, schools, and museums. What has our rich poor given? What is their contribution? If they are to be truthful to their point of view, then they should get ACORN to start demanding taxes on the poor to send over seas. Don’t hold your breathe, I don’t think we are going to see this in the news anytime soon.


The Law said...

Wow... I'm not sure where to begin... I was pretty sure that everyone in the country was united in their anger at AIG.

I understand that the poorest people in America are rich by standards in other countries, but wealth is very relative to where one resides. I've lived in the prjoects in the ghetto and in a poor rural town, and there is little difference in "poverty culture" mentality between the two groups, despite their different backgrounds. Having done significant research on American socio-economic culture, and having friends, family, and neighbors in the bottom echelon of American society, I cannot overstated how broad a brush you paint on the status of the poor in America.

Easy access to food? This is simply not true. I interviewed several former gang members in the Bloods, Crips, Latin Kings, LOD, and MS XIII. One question I ask is why did you participate in gang life? 9 of 10 times, the answer is some variation of "I have to put food on the table to support my family." Most people in the poverty culture have never been in a hospital after birth. A large percentage do not have common vaccinations. If you want to meet people who mastered home medicines, talk to anyone in the poverty class. People say it is a cop out that they make excuses for not being a "productive member of society." And these critics of the poor have never lived in that kind of situation before. I know a lot of the people that America has labeled lazy and leech on society. Many of them are really good people. And many take the steps to get themselves back on track with job training seminars and job fairs. Simply put, they do not have any money to give to charitable causes. They barely have the money to survive from day to day. Future planning n poverty culture is wishful thinking.

The rich on the other hand would rather keep their money in their pockets if given a choice. The rich to whom I refer are the AIG types who abuse their power. See, there are massive tax breaks for giving to charitable foundations. Give $30,000 for a library, get a $40,000 tax write off. You were more correct in your assessment of the situation in your introduction. The rich fat cats at AIG have made their money on the backs of working Americans. Not just the middle class, but the poor, paycheck-to-paycheck, barely-can-put-food-on-the-table poor. They gambled on American's hardcore money and they lost big time. They lost OUR money, and then we give them more of OUR money to keep their company afloat and then they go and spend $165 million in bonuses???

I was pretty sure we all can agree that AIG's actions were indefensible. You have a lot of courage sticking up for the big guy. But most of the people involved in the AIG scandal are crooks. White Collar thieves. Many people, the middlest of the middle class to the poorest of the poor class were doing the right thing. They work hard every single day. And their life savings is severely diminished or completely wiped out as a result of AIG's greed.

Your stance on this issue is very saddening, particularly your closing argument. The "rich poor" are not as rich as you think my friend. I hope that you could reconsider your position on this issue.

March 20, 2009 at 1:38 AM

Hey tL,

This post was my attempt at over-the-top sarcasm. I have read liberal rants that sounded the same aimed at the rich, so I figured I'd try the reverse. I think the attempted probably has failed and hope I haven't lost too much respect in your eyes. I actually have some similar background and I have relatives both in dire poverty and in the upper class.

My point was not to label the poor as lazy. I myself spent sometime living below the poverty line, although I will admit I was better off than many that are poor. While my bias is obvious in my post, I did succeed in bringing out your own. You have painted the rich with quite a broad brush. Everyone who is wealthy has a story. Some have earned their wealth and some have not. I submit from my expirience, many rich have earned it and I don't see why they should not enjoy it. I feel overall, the condition in our nation is one in which we as individuals no longer help each other out as neighbors. As opposed to a philosophy in which our government needs to move the wealth around.

I have much more to talk about regarding this subject but do not have the time in this comment. I will come back and follow up. I would be extremely interested in hearing more about the people and expiriences you had in your social project. I must admit that I feel we need a different approach to helping the urban poor in particular. Do you feel that current welfare and social programs are the answer? I've had some ideas, but I am seriously out of touch in that area of feasibility. I think if there is anything worth spending some money on, that would be it.

March 20, 2009 at 1:09 PM


I had a little more time, so I figured I'd continue on with another point I was trying to make.

We'll cover AIG on your blog.

I also believe that there is a problem with the point you alluded to regarding the rich making their money on the backs of the poor. Using the broad brush we both used earlier, the poor of the world do not discriminate American rich and American poor. To them, all Americans are rich and the American rich was built on the backs of the world's poor. To them, American rich and poor need to pay for their greed. This is how terrorism has spread so rampant.

What are your thoughts?

March 20, 2009 at 1:43 PM

My world view point was the point I was trying to make in my post. I don't feel I'm at my best here on the written communication side. However, if I can sum up what I think the gernal disdain for the rich is it would go something like this. The poor, based on their situation in life, feel they are being victimize by the priviledged rich. Therefore, they should be made to pay.

The reason this arguement in my mind does not hold water is that, there is always someone worse off than you.

Let me try one more illustration. If the moral answer to the disparity in wealth between the rich and the poor is redistribution. Then none of the poor in this country deserve a check. I am certain and would be willing to argue that there are a lot more people in the world who have it worse off. If we are going to live to the maxim of redistrubution, than truly the government checks should be flowing to other hands in the world. I think I said it a little bit better in this comment than my sarcastic post. Rereading it, I can see where my post went off track.

March 20, 2009 at 1:51 PM
The Law said...

The main issue that you highlight in your post is "culture warfare." This is the new 21st century battleground in human/civil rights. It is a debate worth having because a lot of people are angry and theyre not gonna take it anymore.

I did paint the rich in a broad brush for simplcity's sake - there are many many rich people who sincerely do great things with their wealth, bill gates, warren buffet, kurt warner. But the poor are poor because they are relegated to darkest parts of our society, forsaken by the middle and upper class. So there is a different set of rules, in the underground world of the lower class. I touch upon this in my essay in i believe Epidose 4: big cities and small towns.

Culture warfare is my hot button issue... from the difference in socio-economic status between the different classes, treatment of gays, race relations, religious beliefs... so I'm a little sensitive. But sir, I greatly respect and admire your opinions, so please keep it up! I've learned a great deal in our debates, and I hope the feeling is mutual =)

March 20, 2009 at 8:17 PM

I am learning a lot, but mostly I'm intrigued. I am going to do my next post on where I came from and what I value. I've found in talking to you and many others on the liberal side, I simply do not understand what is anchoring your values.

Also, I am all ears on culture warfare. I think we may come to an agreement on the socio economic stuff, but honestly any culture needs limits. I challenge anyone looking for sweeping cultural change to reason more than just why it should change, but where the change should end.

Your comment on forsaken by middle and upper class? Maybe? Seriously, there are some Paris Hilton's in the world living it up in Malibu and all. However, most of the rich people I know, it's not forsaken so much as they are working 80 to 90 hours a week. They seriously don't really have time to be selfish, they are too busy worrying about losing their money or making more of it.

I have a whole lot of experience with the rural poor. In fact, live in a pretty poor area. I find it interesting that you've found that they are similar with urban areas and would love to get more of your take.

Once again I digress. You've inspired my next post and hope you will enjoy. As I've stated before, I'm a real advocate of the idea that you need to help out your neighbor. Perhaps it's a start.

March 20, 2009 at 9:14 PM

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